Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Time is a swirling menace. Changing more rapidly as it drudges along. Yet, time is not the same for everyone. It comes and goes. It replenishes and destroys. It allows hardened hearts to be softened and causes hatred to go on forever in the hearts of many. Time reels us in like lofty merchants. We flourish in the glory of youth and possibility. We lament at the perils of the age and laugh at our inability to secure the future.

Millions die with thirsty blood. A thought of change and endurance, wiped out by careless desire. Have mercy Lord, drawing near to you. Beauty not forgotten in rage. Help those in need. Listen to your brother, cherrish your sister. Hang on to the promise. Distance is strength. Life comes rushing as a mighty wave and then subsides along the beach. Peace will fill your varied thoughts. And love will guide brokeness with gentle disregard.

Eat more hot dogs today than you did yesterday. Ball Park Franks. (if you can handle it)


drifter's escape said...
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drifter's escape said...

i don't eat hot dogs...you know that ;)

John Williams said...

is it cool to say that.
i will be in nashy land soon. i think Garth is coming through on his way to Alabama...you know Brooks, Garth Brooks. I will call you... i have your number now. For some stupid reason i did not have it. i need to see you. The book, freedom of simplicity is fascinating. i need to see you...later.

Chad Rinehart said...

I think the Kings of Leon concert is sold out. But, no matter. We can still have the greatest nashville experience of a lifetime. trust me.